More about Our Partners
Our Institutional Partners

ANID is the Togo National Identity Agency, and they aim to develop digital solutions that are inclusive of the entire population.
ID30 is collaborating with ANID to identify digital inclusion needs, co-develop solutions within its programs, and also to be able to test innovations in the field.

ATD is the Togo Digitization Agency, it is in charge of enabling and coordinating of Public Services digital transformation.
ID30 has supported ATD in elaboration of interoperability framework, naitonal architecture applying the principles o GovStack Building Block and preparation of its Blueprint.

The Digital Management Unit of Madagascar is in charge of multiple digital project including PRODIGY program financed by The World Bank
ID30 is supporting UGD in preparation of Strategy and Terms of References for the overall program, later of the follow-up of the procuremen and the implementation.

DHI turns ideas into impact for challenging environment. They help to build a diverse and resilient economy in Buthan
DHI has development forms of inclusive digital wallets based on digital credentials, it allows to fast track process and reduce time and money for issuing and verifying paper cerificates.
We count to leverage their experience and technologies in the #ID30-CREDENTIALS-LAB.
We count to leverage their experience and technologies in the #ID30-CREDENTIALS-LAB.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies - ICTs.
ITU is committed to connecting all the world's population – wherever they live and whatever their means. Through our work, we protect and support everyone's right to communicate.
ITU is one of the leading entities of GovStack
ITU is one of the leading entities of GovStack
Our Technical Partners

GovStack accelerates digital transformation of countries by enabling a sandbox of interoperable building blocks.
ID30's CEO leads the ID working group at GovStack
GovStack is an immense opportunity for learning from the others as we interact with top National Stacks CTOs, so in the end GovStack will bring the best of all Stacks around the World.
GovStack is an immense opportunity for learning from the others as we interact with top National Stacks CTOs, so in the end GovStack will bring the best of all Stacks around the World.

MOSIP offers a Foundational Identity to all citizens allowing them to access government assistance and digital services.
ID30 works closely with MOSIP, notably thanks to our involvement in GovStack.
We help MOSIP-adopting countries to tailor it to their own circumstances. We help them to maximize their outcomes with their public and private ecosystem.
We help MOSIP-adopting countries to tailor it to their own circumstances. We help them to maximize their outcomes with their public and private ecosystem.

The Open Standard Identity API is an open standard enabling interoperability within Identity systems
ID30 is member of OSIA and its CEO is historically one of the active founding members.

The Open Source Social Protection Platform is an agile and versatile solution for Social Protection
OpenSPP leverages well known open source technology to facilitate early adopters for on-boarding processes.
ID30 believes in the high impact of OpenSPP and supports it with solution seeding services.
ID30 believes in the high impact of OpenSPP and supports it with solution seeding services.

An Open Source solution for issuing and verifying ID Credentials.
ID PASS enables governments and humanitarian organizations to issue and verify a trusted form of identity to population subsets, including citizens, residents and refugees.
ID30 partners with ID PASS in collective Labs
ID30 partners with ID PASS in collective Labs

Newlogic develop and deploy digital solutions around the world for purpose emergency assistance programs and for social protection.
Part of Newlogic developments are open source contribution, notably ID PASS, INJI or openSPP.
Newlogic has been a natural partner of ID30 Collective Labs taking par of them by bringing their experience and technologies.
Newlogic has been a natural partner of ID30 Collective Labs taking par of them by bringing their experience and technologies.

IAC leverage AI to optimize budgets spent on manual processes and create bridges for data in between systems.
We believe that Intelligent Automation can help Governments improve their Quality of Services in a sustainable way.
IAC are partners of our #ID30-USAGE-LAB to improve efficiency and access to services.
IAC are partners of our #ID30-USAGE-LAB to improve efficiency and access to services.

BDO IT Consulting supports Mauritius Governement in its Digital Transformation through various programs often based on Open Source solutions
BDO are ID30 partner for our Labs innovation , we hope to leverage the dymamic environement and human size of Mauritius to fast-track innovations.

Be-Bound augment global reach of digital services by leveraging the best network available locally including 2G Networks. It can be used to offer base services to the last mile people
BeBound has a potential to be a channel for more inclusion into digital services, we exploire possibilites in the #ID30-USAGE-LAB.
We support them

The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) promotes, protects and nurtures the OpenID community and technologies.
We recommend OpenID Connect as a convergent protocol across sectors. We notably implement it as part of the Identity Building Block in GovStack.

OpenWallet Foundation ensures interoperability of Digital Wallets by designing open-source bricks to be reused by Digital Wallet solution providers.
ID30 has been following the emergence of OpenWallet Foundation, notably providing suggestions on how to keep wallets inclusive.
OpenWallet's work is an incredible contribution to #ID30-USAGE-LAB.
OpenWallet's work is an incredible contribution to #ID30-USAGE-LAB.

Time for the planet invest in companies which can make a significant impact on climate change
ID30 is concerned with the impacts of climate change around the world.
We believe our mission will get more and more critical in the future with living conditions for vulnerable people getting worse.
We believe our mission will get more and more critical in the future with living conditions for vulnerable people getting worse.